Monday, December 26, 2011

Celiac Disease

!±8± Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease is a digestive disorder found in patients who are susceptible, with the resulting damage to the small intestine by an interference with the absorption of nutrients. The main culprit with Celiac Disease is a protein called Gluten.

These proteins are found in all forms of main stream and non-mainstream wheat products.

Such as durum semolina, spelt,einkorn,kamut and related grains such as rye, barley, and oats. Damage to the mucus on the surface of the small intestine is caused by a toxic reaction to the ingestion of gluten.

Effects Of

With Celiac Disease the villi,which are the tiny hair-like projections in the small intestine, shrink and eventually disappear. This is the destructive reaction to Celiac Disease. Damaged villi interferes with the body's ability to absorb nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and even possibly water and bile salts. If left untreated, damage to the small bowel can be life threatening, posing an increased risk of many disorders.

If Left Untreated

Iron deficiency, Anemia, Vitamin K deficiency, Vitamin deficiencies such as folate, B12, B6, or an iron deficiency, and other mineral deficiencies, Other food sensitivities.

Symptoms May Include

Abdominal cramping,gas,and bloating.Diarrhea or constipation.
Fluctuation of weight(loss or gain), fatigue, weakness, lack of energy,and all thats associated with with lack of energy.

Possible Treatment

There is no treatment or cure for Celiac Disease.Except for a lifelong adherence to
a strict gluten-free diet. When gluten is removed from the diet, the small intestine will begin to heal and general health will be improved.You may want to consider supplementation for any
deficiencies.Consult your doctor about this.

Lifestyle changes are in order for the Celiac sufferer.Become a label reader. If you are unsure about a certian food or ingredient, stay away and learn to identify ingredients that may contain that hidden gluten. Be very diligent

Be aware that hidden gluten can be hiding in some unlikely foods such as low or non-fat products, deli meats, soups, hard candies, soy sauce, even salad dressings. If there is no
label to read such as candy in a dish, stay away, again be very diligent.

Gluten may also be used as a binder in prescription medicines.Again ask youre doctor about Gluten in medications.

Alcohol that's properly distilled shouldn't contain any harmful gluten. Research indicates that the peptide is too large to carry over in the distillation process. Beer is a definite no-no.
You might want to consider staying away from alcohol altogether (like the author of this site). This might seem drastic to some but our health is at stake. Wine from the Liquor store
might bother youre stomach, like it does mine possibly because of Sulfites as preserative to give it a longer shelf life. Home made Wine wthout any added ingredients in moderation seems to be O.K.

Sometimes Gluten products are added to alcohols and Vinegars after the distilling process
and should be avoided intirely. Malt vinegars are not distilled and therefore are not gluten-free. This in a nutshell is what Celiac Disease is. I might have left out some details, I'm not a
doctor. But, I am a Celiac sufferer and I know what Celiac's go through.

Celiac Disease

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is Better For Your Health and Your Wallet

!±8± Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is Better For Your Health and Your Wallet

In the battle of cholesterol lowering medication, Lipitor has a commanding advantage in today's market. Lipitor is the world's number 1 selling drug. According to USA Today, Lipitor's sales have risen .1 billion in the second quarter and are expecting to hit record high sales of 13 billion this year. The number 2 cholesterol fighting medication or "statin" in the industry is Zocor. Zocor has recently released a generic version of the anti-cholesterol drug in hopes to sway consumers to from Lipitor, and purchase their new, less expensive product. But is Lipitor really worth the extra money? We'll find out by comparing Lipitor's prices, results, and side effects to that of Zocor, the leading competition in the statin industry.

o Price

In the battle for price, Zocor's generic alternative Simvastatin dishes out the first blow. For 90, 10mg tablets it costs 5.97 Lipitor, and 9.97 for Zocor. And for 90, 40mg tablets it costs 2.00 for Lipitor compared to 8.00 for Zocor. The New York Times reports that "In many cases, they say, patients who now take the most commonly prescribed dosage of Lipitor - 10 milligrams daily - can reduce their cholesterol just as much with Zocor. Lipitor costs or more a day, while generic Zocor will probably cost 35 cents or less." The larger the dosage the more savings Zocor offers. If you order a large amount of pills at a time, or you require a large dosage of the medication, you can save a reasonably large amount of money. I give the edge in the price department to Zocor.

o Results, Effectiveness

This category is very close as both drugs are very affective in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising good cholesterol (HDL). Both Lipitor and Zocor belong to the class of drugs known as "statins", which lower cholesterol by blocking the enzyme in the liver that produces bad cholesterol. In a recent study done by Phizer the producer of Lipitor, it was found that Lipitor was no better at preventing major heart complications than its leading competitor Zocor. However CBS found that "Lipitor outperformed Zocor on several fronts such as lowering cholesterol and preventing nonfatal heart attacks." In the category of effectiveness the edge goes to Lipitor.

o Side Effect

As with any prescription medication, both Lipitor and Zocor have a small percentage of users that experience adverse side affects. Both have minimal side effects including upset stomach, gas, heartburn, change of taste, diarrhea, constipation, skin rash, headache, dizziness or blurred vision that may occur the first few days as your body adjusts to the medication. However in recent clinical trails, it has been found that a rare muscle problem has been linked to statin drugs, which includes both Lipitor and Zocor. An estimated 5 to10 percent of all patients using statins experience these adverse side affects of minor muscle soreness and loss of muscle strength. So in the final category of adverse side affects, it is a draw.

In the battle of the high cholesterol reducing medications I would go with Zocor. Zocor is practically just as effective as Lipitor but offers it for a much lower price. To order Zocor or Lipitor for even more savings, go to This website offers safe reliable sources to find medications such as Zocor and Lipitor at discount prices.

Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is Better For Your Health and Your Wallet

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pharmacist Shares the Dangers and Limitations of Prescription Medicines

!±8± Pharmacist Shares the Dangers and Limitations of Prescription Medicines

In this article, Suzy Cohen shares on a pharmacist journey to discovering the dangers and limitations of prescription drugs. Suzy Cohen has been a pharmacist for over 20 years. She's the author of "24-hour Pharmacist" and "Drug Muggers."

Kevin: This is going to be a great interview. I'm absolutely positive of that. So Suzy, welcome to the call.

Suzy: Thank you, Kevin. It's an honor to be with you.

Kevin: I am thrilled to have you onboard. There are a few people on the call who don't know who you are. So why don't you give a little introduction about you, your story, how you came to write these two books.

Suzy: Okay, sure. Well, I went to the University of Florida and graduated in 1989 as a pharmacist - Go Gators! I came out very gung-ho about medication. In pharmacy school that's what they train us to learn about, medication. They don't really talk about herbs or natural meds or remedies. In fact, those things are just looked down upon as something that isn't clinically tested and isn't worthy of consideration. Medications are the way.

So I came out like most pharmacists do, very gung-ho about medication. I practiced in retail settings and hospital settings, for many years. I realized little by little that people weren't always getting better on the medications that I dispensed from the pharmacy. Sometimes they got worse. In fact, a lot of times they were sicker on the medicines than they were with the original problem that they came in for. So there was a slow metamorphosis that was going on within.

Then I worked for nursing homes and my job duties there included me going to the nursing home and checking each patient's chart and looking at all their medications and then going month to month to see how they did. Well, I did this for seven years. I noticed that there were a lot of people in the nursing homes that were very young and they weren't all going home. It just didn't make sense to me that some of these places were rehab facilities and yet people were getting sicker and sicker and sicker. So I started to realize that maybe the medicine wasn't helping them and one step further, maybe harming them, necessitating the need for more and more medicine.

It was this huge awakening and thought that there had to be a better way to reach people. Just because you have an illness doesn't mean that you necessarily have to take a drug. It's not like you're deficient in a drug. It's because there's some imbalance in a hormone or an enzyme or a vitamin in your body. These things need to be addressed naturally, not with drugs that fake your body out. So that all took some time.

Now 20 years later I'm very clear about what I think people should do. I think they should consider medication as a last resort only if diet and exercise and herbs and remedies and vitamins have not helped. I think after you've exhausted all those efforts and you're still not feeling well, then it's okay to consider medication. Some of them actually save lives. A lot of asthmatics require inhalers to stay alive and people with seizure disorders, sometimes they can't go without their epileptic medicines. So certain drugs I think are fine. Painkillers I think are fine for people who live in chronic pain and just have no life. I have no problem with them taking what they need in order to have some quality of life. I'm one of those rare pharmacists though because I think that healing is a pie and there's many slices to the pie. Some medications scare me and I think they're useless. I think that they're created just to generate money for the companies who make them. But there are other medications that are worthy. So I'm just basically trying to approach medicine from a sensible standpoint, not to scare people away from it necessarily, but to open their eyes and let them see that there are other options available to them. It's not just a pill for every ill.

Kevin: How does it feel being traditionally trained as a pharmacist to start to realize this? What went through your mind when you said, "Wait a minute, some of this stuff isn't working." How did that feel?

Suzy: It didn't feel so good. I'm a very sensitive individual and it didn't feel good to dispense medication and then have a phone call six hours later, the next day, saying, "This stuff is making me throw up, is that normal?" Well, yes, that can happen with this particular antibiotic. Yes, it can cause severe diarrhea. Yes, it can cause these horrible leg cramps or whatever. It was very disheartening because, again, I came out very gung-ho and I thought, "Medications are the way. I'm going to cure the world." Then it was very disillusioning.

Kevin: I really want to talk about your newest book. It's a pretty controversial title. What's the idea behind the title? Let's talk a little bit about some of the concepts in the book.

Suzy: Okay. The concept in my first book, is to provide an amazing, one-of-a-kind resource. Don't let the title mislead you, this book is about natural alternatives, natural cures and amazing options, truths that you are not told by the doctors. The truth about your medicine but more than that truth about the natural remedies that can substitute for medication. It has chapters in there on fatigue and thyroid and osteoporosis, on sex drive, on everything. I don't miss anything. Arthritis, osteoporosis, immune systems. It's just 350 packed pages.

One of the chapters in that book is called "Drug Muggers." It's just a few pages long. It got so much interest during radio interviews and television interviews that I decided to write my second book.

What is it? It's about drugs that mug your body of needed nutrients, nutrients and vitamins and minerals that you need to stay alive. When a drug does this then you start to feel very, very badly.

One common example of this is with statin cholesterol drugs - Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor. People know these names. These are multi-million dollar blockbuster drugs used to lower cholesterol. Well, they do an effective job at that, but they also reduce co-enzyme Q10. That's a powerful anti-oxidant that your body needs. You need that. You can make it in your own body. The medication robs your body of co-Q10 and if you don't supplement with it then these statin drugs can cause leg cramps and muscle cramps of all sorts, even in your heart. Your heart is a muscle, isn't it? It can cause muscle cramps. So it can make your heart go into arrhythmias and tachycardias and all sorts of heart problems, even heart failure. There are a lot of problems associated with a co-Q10 deficiency, including memory loss, shortness of breath, fatigue, leg cramps, arm cramps, muscle aches and cardiac arrhythmias and all sorts of heart problems. And a serious deficiency of co-Q10 can cause a heart attack because your heart loves, loves, loves co-Q10. These statin drugs are mugging your body of it. That's just one example.

My book will cover thousands of medications. I tell you exactly what nutrients are robbed. This is so important. Do you know why? Because if you don't know what nutrient is being stolen from your body you're going to go back to your doctor's office with a new symptom and he's going to give you a new drug, when all you needed to do was replenish what the drug mugger stole.

Kevin: What are some of the common things that are then prescribed once someone, say they're on Lipitor or something like that, what are some of the things that are prescribed for the muscle pain?

Suzy: If you're on a statin drug and you get this muscle pain they might prescribe Requip or Mirapex, which are two different drugs used for restless leg syndrome. So now you're diagnosed with this thing called restless leg syndrome, which in my day we used to just call leg cramps. But now you know how they invent diseases so that they can give you new drugs to treat your new diseases. Well, all you needed was the co-Q10.

When you lower your cholesterol so much with these drugs you can wind up depressed. It's proven fact. So what do they do? They give you Zoloft or Paxil. You run out of the memory molecules -- remember, your cholesterol is being lowered, right? So you're not able to produce, from a cholesterol, all these memory molecules and brain hormones that you need because cholesterol is their base molecule. So you run out of that. What does that mean? You wind up depressed. You wind up with anxiety. Memory loss is a big one. Then you're told you have Alzheimer's to go with your cardiac issues, leg cramps and low sex drive. Think about that. Again, you're lowering cholesterol, you can't make those sex hormones. So what? They'll give you Viagra. Before you know it you're on six drugs. All you had to do is replenish what the drug mugger stole.

We can harp about statin drugs because they're popular, but it's not just statins. My book talks about thousands of medications. One more example of this is those acid blockers. Don't you love those? The drugs like Zantac and Pepsid, Nexium, Prilosec, all of those. People need a pill to eat apparently. Well, I'm just cross-eyed over here. You can't see it. [Laughter] But if you could my face is just contorted because I just can't believe we need a pill to eat. But anyway, let's just skip over that part for a minute.

Acid blockers are huge drug muggers of vitamin B12, amongst other B vitamins. In fact, they're drug muggers of all the B vitamins. But let's focus on B12 for a minute because B12 is needed for your nerves. What happens when you take an acid blocker for digestion, after a while you run out of B12. When you run out of B12 your nerves start to get messed up. You get pins and needles sensations in your fingers and toes. You might get neuropathies. B12 is needed for energy so you get very, very fatigued and you feel weak, especially in the arms and legs. You get these sores on your tongue and your mouth and you can't make probiotics anymore because you need the B vitamins to help generate your natural, normal flora. So you get digestion problems, even though you're taking these drugs for digestion. It's just completely whacked.

Pharmacist Shares the Dangers and Limitations of Prescription Medicines

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know in 2011

!±8± Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know in 2011

Walgreens, CVS or Rite-Aid: Which Tenant Is Best in 2011?

There are 3 major drugstore chains in the US: Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. Below are some key statistics about the 3 major drugstore chains as of July 2010:

Walgreens ranks #1 with market cap of .33 Billion, .25 Billion in revenue, and S&P rating of A+. According to Walgreens, 75% US population lives within 3 miles from its stores. On Oct 1, 2009, Walgreens opened its 7000-th store in Brooklyn, New York. In April 2010, it acquired 258 Duane Reade drug stores in New York Metropolitan area. CVS ranks #2 with market cap of .09 Billion, .1 Billion in revenue (CVS revenue alone is less than Walgreens if revenue from its Caremark group is taken out), and S&P rating of BBB+. CVS opened its 7000-th store in Little Canada, Minnesota on October 5, 2009 and currently operates 7025 drug stores.. Rite Aid ranks #3 with market cap of 9 Million, .53 Billion in revenue, 4780 drug stores and S&P rating of B-.

Investors purchase properties occupied by these drugstore chains for the following reasons:

The drugstore business is very recession-insensitive. People need medicine when they are sick, regardless of the state of the economy. Both rich and poor people in the US have access to medicine. Some even argue that low-income people use more medicine due to free or low-cost drugs offered by government-assisted programs. So the tenants should do well during tough time and have money to pay rent to landlords. The drugstore business has a good prospect in the US: People are living longer and need more medicine to sustain longevity, e.g. Actonel for osteoporosis, Aricept for Alzheimer's symptoms. Older people tend to use more medicine than younger ones as they often have more medical problems. As the 78 million baby boomers are getting closer to retiring age starting from 2008, the drugstore chains anticipate the demand for medicine to increase in next 20 years. The drug market continues to expand as the US population will continue to grow. More and more Americans suffer from various diseases. The number of Americans suffers from seasonal allergies doubled in the last 15 years to 37 million people per Fortune magazine. They spent .4 Billion in 2009 for allergy drugs. As their waist lines balloon (75% of Americans are forecasted to be either overweight or obese by 2020), more Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol at younger and younger ages. In addition, doctors also recommend treating various diseases sooner than later due to better understanding about the diseases. For example, doctors now prescribe antiretroviral drugs for patients soon after infected with HIV virus instead of waiting for the infection to become AIDS. More doctors combine insulin with oral medicines to treat type-2 Diabetes instead of just oral medicines alone. All these factors increase the size of the drug market. Advance in genetic engineering has introduced various new genetic DNA testing kits which allow the genetic diagnosis of vulnerabilities to inherited diseases and disorders. Genetic testing is currently the highest growth segment in the diagnostics industry. Some of these genetic tests will probably transform into direct-to-consumer testing kits available in drug stores in the near future. Upon FDA approval, these new products will potentially bring in additional revenue for drug stores. The passage of Health Care Reform Bill on March 23, 2010 provides insurance coverage to an estimated 33 million more American. This is a major present to the drugstore industry. There are new drugs to treat previously untreatable illnesses, and new diseases, e.g. Viagra for men's unhappiness, Zoloft for depression, Avastin for colon cancer, Herceptin for breast cancer, Nicotine patches for smokers to kick the habit, Tamiflu for a potential bird flu pandemic, vaccine for swine (H1N1) flu pandemic, Tekturna/Rasilez for hypertension and various new drugs for AIDS and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). The new medicines are very expensive, e.g. a year's supply of Avastin costs about ,000. Eli Lilly has sold about .8 billion of Zyprexa in 2007 for schizophrenia and yet most people have never heard of this medicine. There are existing drugs now approved to treat new illnesses and thus increase their sales revenue. For example, Lyrica was originally intended to treat pain caused by nerve damage in people with diabetes. It is now approved by FDA to treat Fibromyalgia which affects 5.8 million Americans per WebMD. Big advances in genetics, biology and stem cells research are expected to produce a new class of drugs to treat diabetes, Parkinson's and various rare genetic disorders. For example the new drug Ilaris from Novartis targets genetic causes of an inherited disorder that there are only 7000 known cases worldwide. However, Novartis hopes to gradually broaden its drugs to a blockbuster drug to more common disorders caused by similar genetics. Technology and modern life introduce and require new products, e.g. pregnancy test kits, Lamisil for stronger clearer toe nails, Latisse for longer & thicker eyelashes, Premarin for menopausal symptoms, diabetic monitors, electronic toothbrushes, contact lenses, lenses cleaners, diet pills, vitamins, birth-control pills, IUDs, nutrition supplements and Cholesterol-lowering pills (Americans spent nearly B in 2006 on Cholesterol medications alone per IMS Health, a Connecticut-based consulting company that monitors pharmaceutical sales.) There are also more surgeries: C-sections, Kidney transplants, open-heart triple by-pass, and breast augmentations. More surgeries mean more medicines are needed such as Vicodin for pain management and Warfarin to prevent blood clots in surgeries. Before the customers can get to the medicine aisles or pharmacy counters, they have to pass by chocolates, sodas, digital cameras, watches, toys, dolls, beers and wines, cosmetics, video games, flowers, fragrances, and greeting cards. Drug stores hope you use the one-hour photos services and exchange your liquid propane tanks there. The stores also carry seasonal items, e.g. Halloween costumes, and "As Seen on TV" merchandise, e.g. Shamwow. As a result, customers buy more than their prescriptions and medicine in these drugstores. Rite Aid sells more 28,000 non-pharmacy items in its stores while Walgreens has 22,000 different items on store shelves. CVS reported that non-pharmacy sales represented 30% of the company's total sales in January of 2007. The figure for Walgreens is 34% and 37% for Rite Aid. Many pharmacy locations are in effect convenience stores especially ones that are in residential or rural areas. And so Walgreens hopes that customers also pick up WD-44, and screw drivers at its stores instead of at Home Depot; Thai Jasmine rice, and fish sauce to avoid a trip to Safeway or Kroger Supermarkets. During the recession, sales of these non-drug items are down as customers buy what they need and not what they want. Walgreens tries to reduce the number of items by 4000. It also introduces its own private label which has higher profit margins. There are more and more generic medications on the market as a number of enormously popular brand-name blockbusters will lose their 20-year long patents, e.g. Lipitor (best selling drug in the world to lower cholesterol) in 2010, Viagra (you know what it's for) in 2012. Drugstores prefer to sell generic drugs to customers due to higher profit margins than the brand-name medications. Some people are addicted to pain killers, e.g. Hydrocodone and consume a large amount of medicine, e.g. 30-day dosage in a day to get high. According to testimony from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, US retail pharmacies dispensed nearly 180 million prescriptions in 2007 for opiates, e.g. Hydrocodone. A high percentage of these prescriptions are probably not used for any legitimate medical purposes. This author estimates that at least 10% of the dispensed prescription drugs are not used at all and sit idle in the medicine cabinets. They are eventually expired and thrown away. These companies sign very long-term, NNN leases, guaranteed by their corporate assets. This makes the investment in the underlying property fairly low risk, especially for Walgreens with an A+ S&P rating. In fact, these properties are sometimes referred to as investment-grade properties. Once the drugstore chains sign the lease, they pay the rent promptly and timely. This author is not aware of any properties leased by one of these drugstore chains in which the tenants failed to pay rents. Even when the stores are closed due to weak sales (Walgreens closed 119 stores in 2007), these companies may sublease the properties to other companies and continue to pay rents on the master leases. A typical Walgreens lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 8-10 five-year options. During primary term and options, there will be no rent increases in most of the leases. This is the main disadvantage of investing in Walgreens drugstores. A typical CVS lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 4-5 five-year options. The rent is normally flat during the primary term and then there is a 2.5%-10% rent increase in the in each 5-year option. A typical Rite Aid lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 4-8 five-year options. The lease often has a rent increase every 5-10 years.

Investment Risks: Although the pharmacy business in general is recession-insensitive, there are risks involved in your investment:

The main downside about investing in pharmacies is there is little or no rent bump for a long time, e.g. 20-50 years, especially for Walgreens. So the rent is effectively reduced after inflation is factored in. This is one of the main reasons these properties do not appeal to younger investors. The 3 drugstore chains now have a new formidable competitor, Wal-mart. Wal-mart sells prescription drugs in more than 4000 Wal-mart, Sam's Club and Neighborhood Market stores in 49 states. The retail giant is known for launching in 2006 a highly-publicized generic prescription drug program which now sells 350 generic medications for a 30-day supply. The actual number of medications is less as the medications with different strengths are counted as different medications. For example, Metformin 500 mg, 850 mg, and 1000 mg are counted as 3 medications. Wal-mart probably makes very little profits on these medications if any. However, the marketing campaign--created by Bill Simon, the President and CEO of Wal-mart US, generates a lot of publicity for Wal-mart. Wal-mart hopes to draw customers to its stores with other prescriptions where it has higher profit margins. In an unscientific survey with just one brand-name prescription of Lyrica, this author finds the lowest price at Costco, the highest price at Walgreens and Wal-mart at the middle. Other drug chains try to counter Wal-mart in different ways. Target now offers the same 350 generic medications for for a 30-day supply. Walgreens has a Prescription drugs club with membership fee which offers 1400 generic medications for as little as /week. CVS says it will match any offers from its competitors. Chief Business Correspondent Rick Newman from US World & News Report predicted that Rite Aid might not survive in 2009. While Rite Aid is still around in 2010, dire predictions continue. The study by Audit Integrity gave Rite Aid about a 10.5 percent chance of filing for bankruptcy in 2010. Drugs are also sold in thousands of supermarkets, Target stores, and Costco warehouses. However, there are no drive-thru windows at these stores or Walmart to conveniently drop off the prescriptions and pick up medicines. Customers will not be able to pick up their prescriptions during lunch hour or after 7PM at Target stores or supermarkets. They need to have membership to buy medicines at Costco. Others may not fill their prescriptions at Walmart because they don't want to mingle with typical Walmart customers who are in lower income brackets. And some babyboomers don't want their prescriptions filled at Target or Walmart because there are no comfortable chairs for them to sit down to wait for their medicines. Many leases in areas with hurricanes and tornados are NNN leases with the exception of roof and structure. So if the roof is damaged, you will have to pay for the expenses. The tenant may move to a new location down the road or across the street when the lease expires. This risk is high when the property is located in small town where there is low barrier for entry, i.e. lots of vacant & developable land. The tenant may ask for rent concession to improve its bottom line. The possibility is higher if the tenant is Rite Aid and if the store has low sales revenue and/or higher than market rent. More Americans are walking away from their prescriptions, especially the most expensive brand-name medicines. This may have negative impact on the sales revenue and profits of drug stores and consequently may cause drug store closures. According to Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solution, a health-care data company, nearly 1 in 10 new prescriptions for brand-name drugs were abandoned by people with commercial health plans in 2010. This is up 88% compared to 4 years ago just before the recession began. This trend is driven in part by higher and higher co-pays for brand name drugs as employers are shifting more insurance costs to their employees.

Among 3 drugstore chains, Walgreens and CVS pharmacies in general have the best locations-at major intersections while Rite Aid has less than premium locations. Walgreens tends to hire only the top graduates from pharmacy schools while Rite Aid settles with bottom graduates to save costs. When possible all drugstore chains try to fill the prescriptions with generic medications which have higher profit margins

Walgreens: the company was founded in 1901 by Charles Walgreen, Sr. in Chicago. While the company has existed for more than 100 years, most stores are only 5-10 years old. This is the best managed company among the three drugstore chains and also among the most admired public companies in the US. The company has been run by executives with proven track records and hires the top graduates from universities. Due to its superior financial strength--S&P A+ rating-- and premium irreplaceable locations, properties with leases from Walgreens get the highest price per square foot and/or the lowest cap rate among the 3 drugstore chains. In addition, Walgreens gets flat rent or very low rent increase for 20 to 60 years. The cap rate is often in the low 6% to 7.5% range in 2009. Investors who buy Walgreens tend to be more mature, i.e. closer to retirement age. They are looking for a safe investment where it's more important to get the rent check than to get appreciation. They often compare the returns on their Walgreens investment with the lower returns from US treasury bonds or Certificate of Deposits from banks. Walgreens opened many new stores in 2008 and 2009 and thus you see many new Walgreens stores for sale. It will slow down this expansion in 2010 and focus on renovation of existing stores instead

CVS: CVS Corporation was founded in 1963 in Lowell, MA by Stanley Goldstein, Sidney Goldstein, and Ralph Hoagland. The name CVS stands for "Consumer Value Stores". As of 2009, CVS has about 6300 stores in the US, mostly through acquisitions. In 2004, CVS bought 1,200 Eckerd Drugstores mostly in Texas and Florida. In 2006, CVS bought 700 Savon and Osco drugstores mostly in Southern California. And in 2008 CVS acquired 521 Longs Drugs stores in California, Hawaii, Nevada and Arizona for .9B dollars. The acquisition of Long Drugs appears to be a good one as it CVS does not have any stores in Northern CA and Arizona. Besides, the price also included real estate. It is also bought Caremark, the largest pharmaceutical services company and changed the corporation name to CVS Caremark. When CVS bought 1,200 Eckerd stores, it formed a single-entity LLC (Limited Liability Company) to own each Eckerd store. Each LLC signs the lease with the property owner. In the event of a default, the owner can only legally go after the assets of the LLC and not from any other CVS-owned assets. Although the owner loses the guaranty security from CVS corporate assets, this author is not aware of any incident where CVS closes a store and does not pay rent.

Rite-Aid: Rite Aid was founded by Alex Grass (he just passed away on Aug 27, 2009 at the age of 82) and opened its first store in 1962 as "Thrif D Discount Center" in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It officially incorporated as Rite Aid Corporation and went public in 1968. By the time Alex Grass stepped down as the company's chairman and chief executive officer in 1995, Rite Aid was the nation's largest drugstore chain in terms of total stores and No. 2 in terms of revenue. His son, Martin Grass, took over but was ousted in 1999 for overstatement of Rite Aid's earnings in the late 1990s. Rite Aid is now the weakest financially among the 3 drugstore chains. In 2007, Rite-Aid acquired about 1,850 Brooks and Eckerd drugstores, mostly along the East coast to catch up with Walgreens and CVS. In the process, it added a huge long term debt (currently owes over .69 Billion) and is the most leveraged drugstore chain based on its market value. The integration of Brooks and Eckerd did not seem to go well. Revenue from some of these stores went down as much as 20% after they change the sign to Rite Aid. In 2009, Rite-Aid had over 4900 stores and over Billion in revenues. The figures went down in 2010 to 4780 stores and .53 billion in revenue. On January 21, 2009 Moody's Investor Services downgraded Rite Aid from "Caa1" to "Caa2", eight notches below investment grade. Both ratings are "junk" which indicate very high credit risk. Rite Aid contacted a number of its landlords in 2009 trying to get rent concession to improve the bottom line. In June 2009, Rite Aid successfully completed refinancing .9 Billion of its debts. However, it continues to struggle in 2010 as same store sales decreased 2.5% in June, 1.7% in May, 1% in April,.1% in March, 3.2% in February, and 2.1% in January..

Things to consider when invested in a pharmacy

If you are interested in investing in a property leased by drugstore chains, here are a few things you should consider:

If you want a low risk investment, go with Walgreens. In stable or growing areas, the degree of safety is the same whether the property is in California where you get a 6% cap or Texas where you may get a 7.5% cap. So, there is no significant advantage to invest in properties in California as the property value is based primarily on the cap rate. In 2010, the offered cap rate for Walgreens seems to come down from 7.5%-8.4% in 2009 to 6.5%-7.5% for new stores. If you are willing to take more risk, then go with Rite-Aid. Some properties outside of California may offer up to 10% cap rate in 2010. However, among the 3 drug chains, Rite Aid has 10.5% chance of going under in 2010. Should it declare bankruptcy, Rite Aid has the option to pick and choose which locations to keep open and which locations to terminate the lease. To minimize the risk that the store is shuttered, choose a location with strong sales and low rent to revenue ratio. Financing should be an important consideration. While the cap rate is lower for Walgreens than Rite Aid, you will be able to get the best rates and terms for Walgreens. A 7.25% cap Walgreens with 5.25% interest rate on the loan will generate more cash flow than a 10% cap Rite Aid with 9% interest rate (if you could find a lender for Rite Aid). If you are not a conservative investor or risk taker, you may want to consider a CVS pharmacy. It has BBB+ S&P credit rating. Its cap rate is higher than Walgreens but lower than Rite Aid. Some leases may offer better rent bumps. On the other hand, some CVS leases, especially for properties in hurricane areas, e.g. Florida are not truly NNN leases where landlords are responsible for the roof and structure. So make sure you adjust the cap rate down accordingly. Some of the CVS locations have onsite Minuteclinic staffed by registered nurses. Since this clinic idea was introduced recently, it's not clear having a clinic inside CVS is a plus or minus to the bottom line of the store. All 3 drugstore chains have similar requirements. They all want highly visible, standalone, rectangular property around 10,000 - 14,500 SF on a 1.5 - 2 acre lot, preferably at a corner with about 75 - 80 parking spaces in a growing and high traffic location. They all require the property to have a drive-thru. Hence, you should avoid purchasing an inline property, i.e. not standalone and property with no drive-thru windows. There is a chance that these drugstores may not want to renew the lease unless the property is located in a densely-populated area with no vacant land nearby. In addition, if you acquire a property that does not meet the new requirements, for example a drive-thru, you may have a problem getting financing as lenders are aware of these requirements. If the pharmacy is opened 24 hours a day, it is in a better location. Drugstore chains do not open the store 24 hours day unless the location draws customers. Many properties may have a percentage lease, i.e. the landlord can get additional rent when the store's annual revenue exceeds a certain figure, e.g. M. However, the revenue used to compute percentage rent often excludes a page-long list of items, e.g. wine and sodas, tobacco products, items sold after 10 PM, drugs paid by governmental programs. The excluded sales revenue could account for as much as 70% of store's gross revenue. As a result, this author has seen only 2 stores in which the landlord is able to collect additional percentage rent. The store with a percentage rent is required to report its monthly sales to the landlord. As an investors, you want to invest in a store with strong gross sales, e.g. over 0 per square foot a year. In addition, you also want to check the rent to revenue ratio. If the figure is in the 2-4% range, the store is likely to be very profitable so the chance the store is shut down is low. It does not matter how good the tenants are, avoid investing in declining and/or low-income areas or small towns with less than 30,000 residents within 5 miles ring. In a small town, it may be the only drug store in town and captures most of the market share. However, if a competitor opens a new location in the area, revenue may be severely affected. These properties are easy to buy now and hard to sell later. In 2009 where the credit market is tight, you may have problems finding a lender to finance these properties. Many properties have an existing loan that the buyer must assume. If you have a 1031 exchange, think twice about buying this property. You should clearly understand loan assumption requirements of the lenders before moving forward. Should you fail to assume the existing loan (assuming an existing loan is a lot more difficult than getting a new loan), you may run out of time for a 1031 exchange and may be liable to pay capital gain. With few exceptions, drugstore chains do not own the stores they occupy for several reasons. Here are just a couple of them: They know the pharmacy business but don't know real estate. Stock investors also don't want Walgreens to become a real estate investment company. Owning the real estate will require them to carry lots of long term debts which is not a brilliant idea for a publicly-traded company. About 10% of the drugstore properties for sale and typically CVS pharmacies require very small amount of equity to acquire, e.g. 10% of the purchase price. However, you are required to assume an existing fully-amortized loan with zero cash flow. That is, all of the rent paid by the tenant must be used to pay down the loan. The cap rate may be in the 7% range, and the interest rate on the loan could be attractive in the 5.5% to 6% range. Hence, the investor pays off the loan in 10 to 20 years. However, the investor has no positive cash flow. This requires you to come up with outside cash to pay income tax on the rental profits (the difference between the rent and mortgage interest). The longer you own the property, the more outside cash you will need to pay income taxes as the mortgage interest will get less and less toward the end. So who would buy this kind of property? The investors who have substantial losses from other properties. By acquiring this zero cash flow property, they may offset the income from the drugstore tenant against the losses from other investment properties. For example, a property has 5,000 of rental profits a year, and the investor also has losses of 0,000 from other investment properties. As a result, the combined taxable profits are only ,000. The uninformed investors who fail to consider that they have to raise additional cash to pay income taxes.

Out of the Box Thinking If you put too much weigh on the S&P rating of the tenants, you may end up either taking a lot of risks or passing up good opportunities.

Good location should be the key in your decision on which drug store to invest in. It's often said a lousy business should do well at a great location while the best tenant will fail at a lousy location. A Walgreens store that is closed down later on (yes, Walgreens closed 119 stores in 2007) is still a bad investment even though Walgreens continues paying rent on time. So you don't want to blindly invest in a drug store simply because it hasa Walgreens sign on the building. No company is crazy enough to close a profitable location. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that a financially-weak company like Rite Aid will make every effort to keep a profitable location open. On the other hand, a financially-strong Walgreens will need justifications to keep an unprofitable location open. So how do you determine if a drug store location is profitable or not if the tenant is not required to disclose its profit & loss statement? The answer is you cannot. However, you can make an educated guess based on store's annual gross revenue is often reported to the landlord as required by the percentage clause in the lease. With the gross revenue, you can determine the rent to income ratio. The lower the ratio, the more likely the store is profitable. For example, if the annual base rent is 0,000 while the store's gross revenue is M then the rent to income ratio is 5%. As a rule of thumb, it's hard to make a profit if this ratio is more than 8%. So if you see a Rite Aid with 3% rent to income ratio then you know it's likely a very profitable location. In the event Rite Aid declares bankruptcy, it will keep this location open and continue paying rent. If you see a Rite Aid drug store with 3% rent to income ratio offering 11% cap, chances are it's a low risk investment with good returns. The weakness of corporate guaranty from Rite Aid is probably not as critical and the risk of having Rite Aid as a tenant is not really that significant. Drug stores with new 25 years leases tend to sell at lower cap, e.g. 7-7.5% cap on new stores versus 8.0-8.5% cap on established locations with 8-10 years remaining on the lease. This is because investors are afraid that the tenants may not renew the leases. Unfortunately, lenders also have the same fear! As a result many lenders will not finance drug stores with 2-3 years left on the leases. The fact that drugstores with new leases have a premium on the price means they have potential of 10% depreciation (buying new at 7.3% cap and selling at 8.3% cap when the leases have 10 year left). Some investors will not consider investing in drug stores with 5-10 years left on the lease. They might simply ignore the fact that the established stores may be at irreplaceable locations with very strong sales. Tenants simply have no other choices other than renewing the lease.

Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know in 2011

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Cholesterol Medications and Side Effects

!±8± Cholesterol Medications and Side Effects

Cholesterol medications plain and simple lower cholesterol. The question however is whether such drugs are worth the risks because of their side effects. Below are the common cholesterol drugs, used to reduce the elevated levels of cholesterol and some of their side effects.

1. Statins.

Drugs from this group are: Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Pravastatin, Simvastatin and etc. Statins inhibit one very important enzyme in the cholesterol metabolism. This specific enzyme is called HMG-CoA reductase. They reduce the quantity of cholesterol produced by the liver.

Headache is the most common side effect of statins. Other side effects are: diarrhea, chest pain, shortness of breath. Dangerous side effects are: Neuropathy and Rhabdomyolysis.

Rhabdomyolysis is the destruction of muscle cells. Because of this destruction, the patient's kidneys could be damaged. This is the reason why some patients on this drug may develop neuropathy.

2. Bile acid sequestrants.

Drugs, which are part of this group: Cholestyramine and Colestipol. They bind with the bile, produced by the body. Bile is produced by the liver and it is made from cholesterol. By binding with the bile, these drugs eliminate it from the body and that's how the body gets rid of the cholesterol within in the bile.

Some effects from this group are: a. Constipation b. Abdominal pain c. Vomiting d. Diarrhea e. Weight loss

3. Cholesterol absorption inhibitors.

The common drug from this group is Ezetimibe. This drug reduces the quantity of absorbed cholesterol. Often it is prescribed with Statins to increase the effect.

Side effects from this group manifest in, back pain, joint pain, sinusitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea etc

4. Fibrates.

Ciprofibate, Clofibrate, Fenofibrate are representatives of this group. They decrease the secretion of triglycerides and increase the levels of the "good" cholesterol - HDL. Some side effects from fibrates are below:

a. Myophathy - this is situation where the muscles are affected and destroyed after some time. b. Upset of the stomach c. Gallstones

5. Niacin.

This is vitamin B. It reduces the levels of the "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides. Another good effect is that they increase the levels of the "good" cholesterol". Normally niacin side effects are:

a. Flushing b. Nausea c. Vomiting d. Diarrhea e. Mild inflammation of the liver f. Flu syndrome g. Dark skin h. Blurred vision i. Difficulties in breathing

Overall you should determine whether to take cholesterol medications or use alternative ways to lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol Medications and Side Effects

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